As The Boomers’ Older Brother

  Hi folks, This whole baby boomer thing is fascinating, especially when you are looking for a market for your experience as an older athlete. Apparently there are about 75 million of them. Here is the birth rate graph from Wikipedia that determines whether you are a boomer or not. I was born in 1943, making me older than the oldest boomer. How about that! I don't feel old. Does that qualify me to ... Read more

The Evolution Of This Blog, Unlike Biological Evolution, Is Goal-Oriented

  Hi folks, This morning I was completing a two hour run on the road, having ridden my bike for about 120 miles in the last 36 hours, with most of this training undertaken at >90°F and high humidity. The usual pre-taper stuff one does for Ironman training. My mind was wandering, maybe because of the relentless heat. I started to think about where my blog is going. Is it evolving, I wondered? I tried to ... Read more

Veterinary Tales From FitOldDog As A Youth: Catching the Barn on Fire!

Hi folks I realized recently that I continue to blog because I enjoy storytelling. Deb's 13-year old son, Nick, will frequently say, "Kevin, tell us a story. Please!!!" Just imagine your most ancient of ancestors sitting around a fire in some part of what is now called Africa, looking at the stars and wondering about it all. No television. No radio. No books. The most popular person at that time might well have ... Read more

Was Alistair Cooke Creating A Model For Blogging?

Hi folks, Whilst growing up in post-war England during the late 1940s to early 1950s, my impressions of the USA (America is an inappropriate but common abbreviation that I will use here for convenience) were molded by a number of factors, including my mother's vociferous opinion ("problem with them is that they're over sexed, over paid and over here"), Hollywood (we were all in love with American film stars), and ... Read more

Social Networking And An Open Mind Can Be Important With Respect To Your Exercise Plans

Hi folks! Internet-based social networking has turned out to have many benefits in my life. My bike guy and one of my Internet mentors, Victor of Bicycle Lab, has encouraged me to engage in tweeting for some time - I finally succumbed - and gave it a whiz and, as Victor said so many times, if done right it really works. It finds useful stuff, it gets your stuff out there, and if used with tools like HootSuite, it ... Read more

Talking To Your Inner Child, Creative Visualization, And Learning To Dance Through Life!

  Hi folks! I reread this, as a result of the apparent interest it elicited, which I observed using Webmaster Tools, and decided to redistribute. It occurred to me that to be an athlete, or exercise for better health [spot the keyword and 'Hi! Bots'], you have to face yourself. Get ready for some ‘psychobabble,’ though I take it seriously myself. About 30 years ago I went through a major personal ... Read more

AAA Screening For All Men Over 65 (What About Women?): Well Done NHS – What Is Happening In The US of A?

Hi folks, I just read this on the British (or is it English? This turned out to be an important distinction when I lived in Scotland!) Aortic Dissection Support Group site: "In the UK, the NHS (National Health Service) have acted with great responsibility to set up a NATIONAL SCREENING program for all men in the UK 65 and over. The phased roll-out of the programme nationally began in 2009 with an anticipation ... Read more

My AAA-Stent FDA Adverse Event (Correctable Hypertension) Report, And The Role Of High Technology In My Life Recently

Hi folks, Well! It was a busy week for me. I sent an adverse event report to the FDA for my AAA stent-induced hypertension and received a nice polite reply, which told me that if you want to use the FDA MedWatch Online Voluntary Reporting Form (3500) effectively, send data - which I did. In fact, here is their reply, just click on the image to see it more clearly, and use the back arrow on your browser to return ... Read more

Disclaimer: As a veterinarian, I do not provide medical advice for human animals. If you undertake or modify an exercise program, consult your medical advisors before doing so. Undertaking activities pursued by the author does not mean that he endorses your undertaking such activities, which is clearly your decision and responsibility. Be careful and sensible, please.