Useful Links For Health Challenged Athletes

Hi! Folks,

Whilst building my business website, ‘Old Dogs in Training,’ it became apparent that a list of links, including books and websites that address specific health challenges for older male athletes, might be of value to my potential clients (older guys who want to get in shape safely). As I couldn’t work out how to make a sub-page link in my GoDaddy Website Tonight site, I thought ‘why not link it to my blog, here’ as that is where I deal with my own particular health challenges. So! I’ll insert a bunch of them here, update from time to time, and maybe transfer it to my website at a later date. I would be grateful to anyone who can send material to add to this list. So! Here we go!

Cardiovascular Disease: Cardiac Athlete; The Athlete’s Heart Blog;; Heartosaurus;

Cerebrovascular Disease: Brain Aneurysm Foundation;

Abdominal Aortic Aneurysms: Chez Ollie;

Diabetes Mellitus: Chez Ollie; NATA Diabetes Training; Diabetes Spectrum, Athlete Management;

Disabilities: Disability Sports; Wheelchair Athletes; Disabled Athlete Links;

Cancer: Athletes For A Cure; Athletes Kicking Cancer; Chez Ollie; The Geezerjock;

Aging Generally: Chez Ollie; Chez Ollie; Masters Track;


Interesting stuff out there! Look at this picture from Shawn’s Blogspot, for instance:

From Shawn's Blogspot - Thanks Shawn!

I think I’ll just update this post from time to time, if only as a reference source for myself. I am sure that there are hundreds more to go.

Happy trails and keep training! To quote Monty Python – “I’m not dead yet!”






  1. Hey Kevin,

    Great links and info. I enjoy your site.
    If you get a moment check out my site
    It’s not entirely about exercise, but there is a lot of content for athlete’s who have had heart surgery.

    Happy Training,


  2. Kevin Morgan says

    Hi! Benjamin,
    I like your site and I’ve ordered your book, which I’ll read and then write up a review on my blog.
    I am just back from triathlon camp. Another great experience.
    Let’s talk when we get a chance.

Disclaimer: As a veterinarian, I do not provide medical advice for human animals. If you undertake or modify an exercise program, consult your medical advisors before doing so. Undertaking activities pursued by the author does not mean that he endorses your undertaking such activities, which is clearly your decision and responsibility. Be careful and sensible, please.

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