Damn! Life Is Good. Even At The Back Of The Pack! Maryland Ironman Here I Come.

Video is a short excerpt from my Mont-Tremblant race video, to show a pro going by, making it look as though FitOldDog is standing still (at about 17 mph).

Photo of horses by FitOldDog

Horses on one of my bike rides with friends. Life is good! Photo by FitOldDog.

“…Amanda says if there’s something you really want, you can figure out a way to get it. She says being discouraged is a waste of time.” The Year Of The Flood, by Margaret Atwood.

I just had a great bike ride with some friends, and I’m feeling that life is good. My recent DNF (did not finish) at Mont-Tremblant Ironman was just a blip, as I work to get back in shape after my second abdominal aortic aneurysm surgery. Some of my family, friends and followers seemed disappointed, but it was no real surprise to me. If I’d known about the 11% grades on the bike, I would probably have bailed, but I’m glad I didn’t. We had a great time.

I still carry the image of that pro going by me on the bike, like I’m standing still. Reminded me of doing the Boston Marathon in 2009. The first guy was over 2x as fast as me, and the first in my age group was over 1 hour ahead of me, but I had a blast.

There’s more to sports than winning, but that doesn’t mean that you don’t set solid goals for yourself, if you enjoy living your life that way, which I do.

FitOld with Maya

Nothing like an enjoyable bike ride with friends. FitOldDog with Maya. Photo by Sue.

I’m just goal oriented. But this brings with it great times with friends out on the roads or the trails, and a full life.

And, Yes! Our plantar fasciitis treatment is working well, and I’m almost there.

Back up to a 12-mile run the other day, and I should finish my next race, life permitting. That being the Maryland Ironman on September 20th.

No steep grades there, and I get to race with my son, Nigel, again.

I therefore continue to conclude that:

Life is good.




  1. janet hopper says

    Enjoy life! Sounds like you’ve got a great attitude!

  2. Loved the video! Thanks for sharing your journey. Also loved the cute little peak at Deb towards the end. Give her my love, please!

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Disclaimer: As a veterinarian, I do not provide medical advice for human animals. If you undertake or modify an exercise program, consult your medical advisors before doing so. Undertaking activities pursued by the author does not mean that he endorses your undertaking such activities, which is clearly your decision and responsibility. Be careful and sensible, please.