Exercise For Pain!

Exercise For Pain Sure Helped Me Today!

exercise for pain: pain map, thoracic surgery

Red indicates fairly intense, superficial stinging pain, three weeks post-thoracic surgery, with a scope. Image source at this link.

exercise for pain: one inch lesion under axilla.

Three weeks post-surgery: Still a sore, one-inch long incision, about four inches below my axilla (armpit – I removed it from the selfie, for your observing pleasure).

I was grumpy all morning. I’d planned a workout, early, but life happened instead. Mid-afternoon, still grumpy, due to stinging pain over dermatomes T2-T5 (see image), I climbed on the ol’ CompuTrainer. Forty-minutes later, spinning between 80-200 watts, with pickups and single leg drills, I felt great.

Exercise for pain works.

I felt so much better. Immediately!

The surgery, even though it was through a scope (plus one unavoidable collapsed lung), did upset some spinal sensory nerves, clearly.

The pattern of pain was related to dermatomes T2-T5 (I’m better with dog, horse, sheep and cow anatomy, if I’m in error – that’s my excuse, anyway).

If you’re in pain, give exercise a try, if you can!

Before you consider becoming addicted to opiates.




  1. The body’s endorphins plus O2 plus overall movement always makes me feel better. With sunshine, even better.

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Disclaimer: As a veterinarian, I do not provide medical advice for human animals. If you undertake or modify an exercise program, consult your medical advisors before doing so. Undertaking activities pursued by the author does not mean that he endorses your undertaking such activities, which is clearly your decision and responsibility. Be careful and sensible, please.