FitOldDog’s Quick Fix Plantar Fasciitis Guide Is Now Available Because Of Lessons From Blogging


 To buy FitOldDog’s Quick Fix Guide For Plantar Fasciitis Click This Link

Hi folks,

Cost Estimates Plantar Fasciitis

Click on figure for link to roller I recommend for treating plantar fasciitis – my recommendation is NOT sponsored by the vendor.

Making a living on the Internet is as interestingly challenging as developing a system of safe exercise for better health. I’m still at the beginning of this adventure, having achieved a Google page rank of 3, sold a small number of my Aortic Surgery Recovery Guides, and now I’ve put up product number two for sale, based on my experience with plantar fasciitis (OUCH!). It struck me that I learn a lot from the building of this blog, which causes reflection and possibly some insights worth a dollar or two. Furthermore, the WordPress and other statistics that I glean tell me who is in trouble with what, and I’ll tell you, plantar fasciitis is at the top of the list (next to forearm injuries – I’m working on that one).

My blog on the use of Trigger Point Performance Rollers to fix my plantar fasciitis has resulted in several people telling me that they tried it and it works. However, you have to use these rollers as part of a logical system of diagnosis, treatment, and follow-up prevention. I collapsed all of this experience and study into a simple manual or guide, which is now available for US$20 on my business site, Old Dogs in Training LLC, via this link to the Plantar Fasciitis Quick Fix Guide.

We’ll see how it goes, and I’m not about to starve for a while, but I subscribe to the Tim Ferriss philosophy of life’s big adventure, and generating revenue whilst helping people is all part of the model he lays out in his great book, ‘The 4-Hour Work Week.’

OK! I fixed my plantar fasciitis a while ago, so I’m off for run number two of the day as the NYC marathon is looming over me.

-k @FitOldDog



  1. Pauline Watson says

    I’m waiting for your quick fix arthritis cure, and enjoying the gin soaked raisins and yoga toes in the meantime. Second run of the day – I’m impressed! (I had the day off, but will get to the track tomorrow – my last preparation for NYC is efficiency and strength, to get the most speed out of the least effort).

  2. Hi Pauline,

    Don’t be too impressed by the second run. I am following the schedule (roughly) that got me to the Boston Marathon in 2009, set by my coach, Chris Hauth. It involved up to 11 runs/week, but they were almost all 45 minutes or less, with a small number of long runs, up to 18 miles. It worked back then. I don’t expect a great time in this race just because it has been a not so great year for one reason and another, but I do plan to enjoy the party atmosphere and meeting you and Benjamin and all the others. Just booked flights and room, now to find a show for the Monday evening.

    Quick fix guide for arthritis – ummhh. I’ll think about that. One thing you could try is a serious diet modification of almost zero carbs, which makes sense evolutionarily and I heard good things about it with respect to arthritis from my Feldenkrais instructor, Karen, during lunch yesterday. I’ll get the details and get back to you.

    Have fun training.

    See you soon.


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Disclaimer: As a veterinarian, I do not provide medical advice for human animals. If you undertake or modify an exercise program, consult your medical advisors before doing so. Undertaking activities pursued by the author does not mean that he endorses your undertaking such activities, which is clearly your decision and responsibility. Be careful and sensible, please.