Google Analytics Brings My Blog Alive


Hi folks,

Real people, like Eric and Beatrice, come into Johnny's every day.

Real people, like Eric and Beatrice, come into Johnny's every day.

Life is very interesting, don’t you think? I never was much of a people person, so I retired into a life of science, and then it was over, after 40 happy years. I decided to move on, almost simultaneously embracing two different business interests, not that I knew squat about business. My two businesses are Johnny’s Gone Fishing LLC (co-owner), and Old Dogs in Training LLC (owner – which is much simpler!).

When I am at Johnny’s GF, I see people come in the door, they look around, and as a general rule express their delight that Johnny’s is back. One of my greatest pleasures is knowing that this business is creating jobs for people (a brand new experience), and providing a great environment that brings our neighborhood alive. But what about the Internet?

Real people come through the door of my blog, just as they do through the door of Johnny's Gone Fishing, and Google Analytics brings this home. Thanks, Google!

Real people come through the door of my blog, just as they do through the door of Johnny's Gone Fishing, and Google Analytics brings this home to me. Thanks, Google!

Online, we create many links, see traffic, respond to comments, retweet, mention, and drift back to statistics. UNTIL I tried the new version of Google Analytics, where I get to actually watch people come through my door. They arrive out of the blue, from Japan, Spain, England or the USA (and often from places I have never heard of), and they read my stuff. The odd thing is that they read old stuff, and sometimes they read it for quite a while, making me think that my online blogstore may have something to offer. And once again, this business employs people, who run the servers, design the software, fight the hackers and spammers, and create all the tools I need to run my online business.

Science was great, but this really rocks.

Thank you Johnny’s Gone Fishing and Google.

-k @FitOldDog

Todays’s workouts:

Workout PLAN Coach: Chris Hauth
Distance: 3000.0 yd
Duration: 01:00:00
2900 Warm-up (500) 500 choice Set #1 (2000) Two times through: 400 build by 100s on :30 rest 2 x 150 (the middle 50 fast) on :20 rest 100 (25 drill/25 swim) on :20 rest 100 FAST 100 easy Rest 1:00 before repeating Set #2 (300) 6 x 50 (25 sprint, 25 easy) on :15 rest – 200 warm down
Disclaimer: As a veterinarian, I do not provide medical advice for human animals. If you undertake or modify an exercise program, consult your medical advisors before doing so. Undertaking activities pursued by the author does not mean that he endorses your undertaking such activities, which is clearly your decision and responsibility. Be careful and sensible, please.

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