Ten simple healthy aging rules!

Like the Appalachian Trail, the path to aging comes with it’s challenges. Be prepared, and embrace the journey.
Exercise and feed your mind/heart/body/spirit, in ways that promote optimal health today, while preparing you for the interesting challenges of aging, to come.
Don’t fear change, better still, use fear as a tool to improve things in your life, then let it go!
Find ways to interact with people of different generations, to stay young at heart, while benefiting from the experience of your elders.
Hang out with people who both make you feel good, and challenge your ideas – this may require some ‘house cleaning’ from time to time!
Care for our planet, including all living and apparently non-living, things.
Do stuff that does some good, forgive yourself when you make mistakes and appreciate yourself in the process, while continuing to earn a living.
Be a mentor, when invited to do so.
Be your own doctor, through mind-body awareness training, seeking medical assistance cautiously and wisely.
Be grateful, while finding happiness inside, to share it outside!
Change the rules, when necessary!
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