There’s Frits with an ‘S’ (center) at the 2013 Worlds Half Ironman Championships, in Las Vegas, on my computer screen; what a great guy – life creates wonderful memories, but live today and make more, every day.
Hi folks, welcome!
Life is fragile, live it while you can!

I love the patterns created by Nature that I see as we take our walks. What a delight to be alive. Willbe then peed on it – needed the nitrogen, he woofed. Photo by FitOldDog.
I was sitting here having a glass of wine, with two dogs (Willbe and Scooter) and one cat (Cat), enjoying a glass of wine, and it occurred to me how lucky I am to be alive. Not just because I have an abdominal aortic aneurysm and progressive aortic disease (hell, we all have something), from which I have been rescued by modern technology. It’s because I was nearly creamed by a car wreck as I was walking Willbe across town this evening. One car spun around in our direction, but missed us by a few few feet, leaving a trail of gasoline on the road. The drivers were fine, and we carried on our way once I was sure all was well.
I was writing about his on my training diary tonight, and I included a photo of a plant that I took during that walk, and I repeated it here because I just liked the patterns it created.
The beauty of nature overwhelms me sometimes.
What more can one say?
Absolutely! We are all just a car wreck away from not being here. Whatever we do, enjoy it, feel satisfied and contented. Like that plant.
It was a happy plant, wasn’t it!