How Lucky I Am To Be A 70-Year Old Ironman-Distance Triathlete In Spite Of My Aortic Disease – Not Dead Yet!

FitOldDog's computer screen.

There’s Frits with an ‘S’ (center) at the 2013 Worlds Half Ironman Championships, in Las Vegas, on my computer screen; what a great guy – life creates wonderful memories, but live today and make more, every day.

Hi folks, welcome!

Life is fragile, live it while you can!

Patterns of nature.

I love the patterns created by Nature that I see as we take our walks. What a delight to be alive. Willbe then peed on it – needed the nitrogen, he woofed. Photo by FitOldDog.

I was sitting here having a glass of wine, with two dogs (Willbe and Scooter) and one cat (Cat), enjoying a glass of wine, and it occurred to me how lucky I am to be alive. Not just because I have an abdominal aortic aneurysm and progressive aortic disease (hell, we all have something), from which I have been rescued by modern technology. It’s because I was nearly creamed by a car wreck as I was walking Willbe across town this evening. One car spun around in our direction, but missed us by a few few feet, leaving a trail of gasoline on the road. The drivers were fine, and we carried on our way once I was sure all was well.

I was writing about his on my training diary tonight, and I included a photo of a plant that I took during that walk, and I repeated it here because I just liked the patterns it created.

The beauty of nature overwhelms me sometimes.

What more can one say?





  1. Absolutely! We are all just a car wreck away from not being here. Whatever we do, enjoy it, feel satisfied and contented. Like that plant.

  2. It was a happy plant, wasn’t it!

Disclaimer: As a veterinarian, I do not provide medical advice for human animals. If you undertake or modify an exercise program, consult your medical advisors before doing so. Undertaking activities pursued by the author does not mean that he endorses your undertaking such activities, which is clearly your decision and responsibility. Be careful and sensible, please.

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