Learn To Stand Before You Walk Before You Run


Hi folks,

I have a problem with chronically tight calf muscles, and I may have found the cause. The way that I stand. I was receiving further core instruction from my dance and Continuum teacher, Rebecca, who commented that I tend to lean forward when standing. I did a quick internal body scan and there it was, plus lots of other things. My Feldenkrais training from Karen emphasizes the importance of body awareness in optimization of my biomechanics (the way I move).

So, what did I see when I stood in what I considered to be a relaxed manner?

  1. Pressure on the balls of my feet and little or no weight on my heels.
  2. Tight calves.
  3. Tight quads.
  4. Tightness in my hips, mainly in the glutes and in places I couldn’t define (muscle groups that I need to get to know better).
  5. Tension in my upper back along with tightness in my pecs.
  6. A sense that moving forward would be easier than moving backwards.

This is where the work begins with Rebecca to reset my habits into a more healthy or efficient zone of functional optimization, and this will be the subject of another post, and hopefully with a video under Rebecca’s instruction. Why stop here? Because the chances are that you, my reader, have never carried out such a self-assessment of your standing position. We learn to stand as children. We fall over. If we fall backwards the first time the chances are that we attempt to avoid this risk and lean forwards. Some people lean backwards all the time, and even run in this leaning back position. Just look around, learn, then look inside, and then you’ll be ready to improve your standing, which will take you on a journey into better walking and more effective running.

Enjoy this extension of the standing meditation.

-k @FitOldDog


  1. ‘ OldDog ‘ / Kevin …

    Come and say ” Hello ! ” to the people at http://www.cardiacathletes.com

    They’d love to hear from you.

    Cheers mate.


  2. Hi Lars,

    As an expat Bristolian, I would enjoy doing that, but what exactly do you think they might like me to talk about? I admire your site, by the way, which must be a support to many. The AAA Awareness Facebook site, and especially one of the people who set it up, Pauline Watson, has been a tremendous encouragement to me. I set up my blog purely because I was scared to death and had no one to talk to who understood, and now I do and I’m not scared anymore. Then there is Benjamin Carey and his book (Barefoot in November). Lance Armstrong’s book was also very helpful, as it prepared me for the inevitable post-surgical depression. Benjamin, Pauline, and I hope to meet at the NYC Marathon this year if his charity gets the slots for us, which will be great. There are some admirable people out there.

    Just give me a heads up on what to would be of value to your site.

    Happy New Year,

    Kevin aka FitOldDog

    PS You’re the first Lars I have met. Have you seen the movie, “Lars and the Real Girl?” I really enjoyed it.

  3. Hi , I have the same problem, I tend to lean forward, have tight calves, quads. Is there a particular exercise that helped you most? I am looking around for a Feldenkrais class in Chicagoland

  4. At what point in the load-unload cycle does the scrunching occur?
    Is it worse, better, the same, if you turn your toes in or out, as you negotiate stairs?

Disclaimer: As a veterinarian, I do not provide medical advice for human animals. If you undertake or modify an exercise program, consult your medical advisors before doing so. Undertaking activities pursued by the author does not mean that he endorses your undertaking such activities, which is clearly your decision and responsibility. Be careful and sensible, please.

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