He Who Has Not Sinned And PAD Hill Repeats

Recent Instagram post by FitOldDog (Yours truly) from Lomas, near Torrevieja, Spain.

Well, I did those peripheral arterial disease (PAD) painful and enjoyable hill repeats, ten in all, and they worked out well. Here’s my PAD hill repeats training adventure for the day.

Selected hill: 200 yards, climb 7-9%, 10 repeats, walk to start each time.

PAD Hill Repeat Report

  • All 10 – mild cardiovascular effort – solution, conditioning you lazy buggar.
  • #4 pain in right tibialis anterior tendon, almost certainly nociceptive (warning) pain – solution, relax foot as it leaves the ground – fixed.
  • #7 tight right psoas – solution, increase shoulder-hip counterrotation to unload hip flexors, relax hips – fixed.
  • #8 tingling little toes on right foot (suspect poor vascular perfusion) on walk descent – solution, stretch right lateral hamstring prior to next ascent – helped somewhat.
  • #10 sprinted and felt great, but PAD had other thoughts once I stopped running – aging is fun, if you make it fun.

Wishing you happy trails,

kev aka FitOldDog (I really must improve that website)

PAD hill repeats
Grey is muscle, white is fat, clear ring around the central white spot (bone marrow) is the femoral bone.

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Disclaimer: As a veterinarian, I do not provide medical advice for human animals. If you undertake or modify an exercise program, consult your medical advisors before doing so. Undertaking activities pursued by the author does not mean that he endorses your undertaking such activities, which is clearly your decision and responsibility. Be careful and sensible, please.