FitOldDog's Endoscopy Using Body-Awareness To Look Inside For Medical Reasons! Body-Awareness Is Your First Line Of Defense Body-awareness skills? When I talk about this subject, which is dear to my heart, I'm reminded of poor old Ignaz. Few people are listening, but I know I'm on the right track. How do I know? Like Ignaz, I've tested it on my own life. When I propose a simple test, people say, ... Read more
Cooking’s Like Training: Know Your Oven, Know Your Body!
You have to know your body to get your diet and training on track. The successful application of a training recipe (plan), as with a food recipe, requires adjustment for actual conditions. No two ovens, or human bodies, are the same. When following a recipe that involves baking or roasting in an oven, you'll need to adjust the temperature setting for your oven. I learned to cook, by trial and error. As I ... Read more
Is Body Awareness And Movement Training A Viable Information Niche Product?
I'm having a great time, but limited success (which is normal at this stage), marketing the results of our research on plantar fasciitis treatments, but this is probably because my real focus is on body awareness and movement training, a much more important topic for most of us wanting to stay active into old age. This is certainly an area where value can be added to people's lives, as they work to hold ... Read more
What Exactly Is Body Awareness And How Does One Develop It?
"Body-awareness isn't about knowing how your body works, which can never be complete, it is about CARING about learning about how your body works." Quote from FitOldDog. Hi folks, I'm sure that you have read stories about great hunters who are completely aware of their surroundings. Of course, they have to deal with their prey and the fact that they might be prey themselves. One crack of a broken ... Read more
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