A List Of Eleven Posts That I Enjoyed Writing For This Blog In 2011 By FitOldDog


Hi folks,

Solar system (NASA). From: http://goo.gl/NrIig

Solar system (NASA). From: http://goo.gl/NrIig

Here we are entering a new year and another trip around the sun. As I wrote over 200 posts in 2011, I thought that it might be a good idea to select eleven favorites for this post to provide an opportunity for reflection and learning. They are listed below in the order that I found them as I worked back through the list.

  1. Wine Bottle Travel Tip For Plantar Fasciitis.” My idea to use a wine bottle as a roller for elimination of plantar fasciitis and tight calves was very satisfying. I liked this method because (a) it works, (b) it’s simple and inexpensive, (c) it can be used anywhere that you can find a suitable bottle (or can), (d) it encourages a creative approach to training ‘on the road,’ and (e) I like good wines.
  2. I Rescued A Kitten During A Triathlon” addresses my view of correct prioritization of life events AND it shows that motorists can be considerate of cyclists. We tend only to notice the rude and dangerous drivers, so remember to wave and thank the ones that show appropriate caution as they go around you.
  3. If Your Health Status Has Changed Don’t Live In The Past.” This article is all about living in ‘the now,’ which is really all that actually exists. The past and the future lie in our minds as memory or an imaginary series of events. I also like this post because it highlights one of my heroes, Benjamin Carey.
  4. The Study Of Limit Theory, Autism and Athletics Expands Your World Viewmakes you think, especially the video on the nature of the autistic consciousness.
  5. Retirees Could Put Americans Back To Work By Creating One Local Job At A Time.” This post makes me feel as though I do have the power to make this world a better place.
  6. Watching My Son Kiteboarding Reminds Me That Anything Worth Doing Is Worth A Little Effort.” It’s about my kid, what more can I say?
  7. I Wonder If René Descartes Enjoyed Dancing” emphasizes the need for balance between reason and emotion, and it contains a short video by my Continuum teacher, Rebecca, who has opened up a whole new world of dance to me.
  8. Video Clip Demonstrates The Use Of The Balance Ball.” This post demonstrates the importance of well-trained instructors for the endurance athlete, especially as we become older.
  9. How To Approach Exercise Following Corrective Surgery For Aortic Dissection.” I like this post because it was written in response to a request for guidance that I received via Twitter, and it still seems to provide sound advice. This issue has become the subject of discussion on the AAA Awareness Facebook page.
  10. Are High School Athletics And Academics The Road To A Life-Long Love Of Learning?This is a subject that is dear to my heart, the underlying philosophy of our lives and the societies in which we live.
  11. Accidents Happen When You Are Tired Or Distracted.” This post contains the most important word of caution for the would be athlete. Ignore it at your peril!

An interesting trip down memory lane, and once again all input on the nature and focus of this blog would be much appreciated.

-k @FitOldDog


Disclaimer: As a veterinarian, I do not provide medical advice for human animals. If you undertake or modify an exercise program, consult your medical advisors before doing so. Undertaking activities pursued by the author does not mean that he endorses your undertaking such activities, which is clearly your decision and responsibility. Be careful and sensible, please.

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