Gratefulness and aging go well together, as you fight entropy-induced decay, with the aid of syntropy or your life-force.

While writing my latest book, “How to Train for Aging, The Ultimate Endurance Sport,” I thought hard and long about all the factors involved, physically, mentally, emotionally, and spiritually. During this process, I realized that my sense of gratefulness helps considerably.
It’s easy to focus on what you lose as you age (especially your glasses or car keys), but it is much more effective to focus on what you still have and what you have gained through maturity.
Now I, or should I say we, Willbe (yellow lab), Cat (cat) and I, have a new family member, Gizmo aka Gizzy.
It is such a gift when an animal walks into my life, and they always do. In this case, Gizmo is a helpmate in my recovery from losing Scooter, age 19, a few months ago.

Be grateful for what you have, and you won’t miss what you’ve lost.
Furthermore, I decided to sign up for the Florida Ironman, 2020, as exercise is definitely helping my running-induced PAD calf pain, a lot.
Wishing you happy trails,
kev aka FitOldDog
PS Here’s the chapter on Gratefulness that I included in that book, which was a blast to write, by the way:
You are Gratefulness
“Your body is a huge community. An integrated community. A community of trillions of cells. Each cell has a precious life. Millions of these cells give up their lives for you each day, every minute, every second. You are alive because you are sculpted, yes, sculpted by death. Sculpted by the voluntary death of cells.
Death is your ally in the battle against life-killing Entropy. Look at your hands. Their magical structure, and consider what they do for you. Your fingers only exist because of death. Death of the cells that would have bound your fingers together into a single mass as you grew in your mother’s womb. These cells died in order that you could have fingers. When you look at your hands, thank those cells that died for you before you were born.
Entropy hates gratefulness.
Be grateful.“
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