Do You Suffer From Morning Heel Pain?
FitOldDog’s Treatment Effectiveness Research Continues

NOTE: Almost all treatments, including those by medical professionals, made symptoms worse in some people.
Try FitOldDog’s Rice Grain Treatment
Then Fill Out The Research Survey
Morning Heel Pain aka ‘So-Called Plantar Fasciitis’, is stage 1 of this progressive disease.
Based on our research, it would appear that this condition arises as a nociceptive response.
FitOldDog’s hypothesis:

FitOldDog’s Rice Treatment Experiment For Morning Heel Pain: A trick to activate your arches, based on my experience with the ASTRO. THIS IS AN EXPERIMENT, WITH NO MORE RISK THAN HAVING A SMALL PEBBLE IN YOUR SHOE. Glue a single grain of rice, on the heel region of your shoe liners. Use an old pair of shoes, if you prefer. Glue the rice in the middle of the heel landing pad. This will be slightly irritating, like a small stone in your shoe. Walk in these shoes, for 5 to 10 minutes, then take them off. Do this a few times per day, and see what happens. The objective is to encourage your feet to lift gently away from the heel, gently loading your arches, via the ball of the foot, as you walk. This will gently activate your arches. The grain of rice is designed to VERY mildly irritate the heel (think cortisone injection without the danger). This will encourage you to lift your heel, and gently push down on the ball of your foot as you walk.
“Nociceptive pain, due to an underlying mis-alignment, collapsed arches, or other biomechanical issues, can lead to progressive damage to the foot, and may lead to tearing of the plantar fascia. However, correct it early enough, and you may only suffer minor inconvenience. But this may take some detective work on your part.”
For people new to my research program, here is a brief history.
FitOldDog’s Plantar Fasciitis Research History
- 2010-2011 Had my first bout of morning heel pain, and appeared to fix it with a roller, combined with massage. This generated a very popular blog post, propelling me into this research – I’m a veterinary pathologist and researcher, by training!
- 2013 Published our first video and ebook on this approach. We actually had some positive reviews, and one negative review. There is a lot to learn about this condition.
- 2013-2015 Studied the potential role of fascia, in this condition, and published ebook number two.
- 2015 Started more detailed research, using Facebook reports and online surveys, and published the data on my blog, under the category, plantar fasciitis. There are dozens of posts, which reveal my slow change of opinion, concerning the pathogenesis (mechanism or cause) of this progressive disease.
- 2015 We conclude that plantar fasciitis is a nociceptive (nervous system-based) condition, that leads to progressive movement issues, and finally the potential for damage to the plantar fascia.
- 2015 I initiate a Facebook-based research study, followed by online surveys, which reveal the greater value of changing shoes, over many other treatments, including cortisone injections.
- 2016 The first ‘so-called plantar fasciitis research report’ is made available, via this download site.
- 2016 I initiate further research, using online survey data and a mathematical approach, called clustering. This method can reveal patterns in the data, as I seek the underlying cause of this fascinating, painful, and sometimes crippling condition.
- TODAY Where to from here? Let’s think about that!
In the meantime, here is something you might try!
The rice grain treatment. Came up with this idea from experiments with the ASTRO.
PLEASE NOTE: As you can see in the graph at the top of this post, almost all treatments have the potential to make things worse. It’s your responsibility as to whether you risk putting a grain of rice in your shoe.
If do decide to carry out this odd experiment, please consider filling out the related research survey, via this link.
Body movement, as with your diet, exercise, and general attitude to life, can have powerful impacts on your life! Both positive and negative impacts!
Want to know more? Watch the video, below:
DISCLAIMER FOR MY PROTECTION: As a veterinarian, I do not provide medical advice to human animals. If you undertake or modify an exercise program, consult your medical advisors before doing so. Undertaking activities pursued by the author does not mean that he endorses your undertaking such activities, which is clearly your decision and responsibility. Be careful and sensible, please.
Wishing you happy feet and happy trails,
FitOldDog, Old Dogs in Training, LLC.
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