Tight Calves? Stretch Your Hamstrings!

Tight Calves? Stretch Your Hamstrings!

I know it sounds weird, but if you have tight calves, stretching your hamstrings works better than a roller or using all those crazy calf stretching gizmos. Trust me! https://youtu.be/cArWgQXoktc I know, I said hip flexor instead of lateral hip rotator for the piriformis stretch. I guess I was distracted. Why did the music go on after the images? So you'll be encouraged to relax, chill out. Never force ... Read more

Timed-Mile with Peripheral Arterial Disease – Progress Towards Returning to Ironman

Timed-Mile with Peripheral Arterial Disease - Progress Towards Returning to Ironman

I really am looking forward to returning to Ironman racing, but there is some work to do, first. In 2008, I qualified for the Boston marathon, with the help of a great coach, Chris Hauth. I finished that marathon in 4:07:59, with seven minutes to spare, which guaranteed me a slot in the Boston Marathon, 2009.  Make sure you have a good coach! Chris Hauth spotted my heel strike, and taught me how ... Read more

Education is the Key to a Healthy Old Age, But You Only See What You Know

Education is the Key to a Healthy Old Age, But You Only See What You Know

The key to a healthy old age is education. What do you see in this picture? When training young pathologists, I would sit them down at a microscope with a slide showing an interesting subject. Maybe a liver section or part of the brain. They would think they knew it all. They would think they were skilled observers. The lesson was about patience and not knowing. Your brain hides things. It's the only way it can ... Read more

Why Growing Your Own Food is So Important

Why Growing Your Own Food is So Important

Planting the fall garden, while Cat looks on. We live from the soil. No plants, no food, no us. You only care for that of which you are aware. Growing your own food, handling soil that you've carefully nurtured, keeps you in touch with the Biosphere. What do you think would happen if you became out of touch with your kids, your pets, your body? They suffer and in the end this will cause you to suffer, ... Read more

On Balance and Aging

As I age I realize how increasingly important it is to focus on balance and aging skills. There are four major balance systems in your body: https://youtu.be/0UrDduMawtI Inner ear - the key is hydration.Somatic sense - body-awareness training works for this.Vision - it's harder to balance with your eyes closed, so practice this.Mechanoreceptors on the soles of your feet - use safe barefoot movement on sand or ... Read more

Battle to Overcome Peripheral Arterial Disease (PAD) Begins with Promising Results

Battle to Overcome Peripheral Arterial Disease (PAD) Begins with Promising Results

A few years ago, I met an older man who had been an excellent runner most of his life, but was now severely overweight. I asked him why he no longer exercised. He replied that he had such severe claudication (pain on exercise) in his calves due to peripheral arterial disease (PAD) that he had even given up walking more than a few yards from his car. This is the wrong way to overcome PAD, as I well know, suffering ... Read more

Free Body-Awareness eBook for Endurance Sports Including Aging

Including aging? Believe you me, aging is the ultimate endurance sport. Just click this link. I have friends who can no longer run, or even bike, due to bone-on-bone knee damage. All due to lack of body-awareness (heel striking) while running in their 20s and 30s. I had two running-related knee surgeries myself, in my 50s, before I woke up, developed a low impact running style, and qualified for Boston two ... Read more

Athlete with Peripheral Arterial Disease (PAD) and Buried Treasure

Athlete with Peripheral Arterial Disease (PAD) and Buried Treasure

Whatsoever a man soweth, that shall he also reap. – Bible, Galatians VI. Hey! I take good advice wherever I can get it. Body, mind and spirit hold hidden treasures, strengths you earned during a your life-time. The seasons come and go. An endless cycle. True for our lives and the garden. As a plant-based athlete, I really enjoy vegetable gardening. 10 years after running the Boston Marathon - Living in a ... Read more

Disclaimer: As a veterinarian, I do not provide medical advice for human animals. If you undertake or modify an exercise program, consult your medical advisors before doing so. Undertaking activities pursued by the author does not mean that he endorses your undertaking such activities, which is clearly your decision and responsibility. Be careful and sensible, please.