A Better Old Age Through Conditioning and Body-Awareness Skills

A Better Old Age Through Conditioning and Body-Awareness Skills

Just watching how you turn as you walk will teach you a great deal about the role of your hips in body movement, and how to focus there for solutions to certain aches and pains, including so-called plantar fasciitis, and so-called iliotibial band syndrome (ITBS). https://youtu.be/AfyMB--Bcpk Yep, those danged hip rotators, all twelve of them (and most certainly more), cause all sorts of mayhem, so keep them ... Read more

Back to the Basics of How to Train for Aging

Back to the Basics of How to Train for Aging

While writing the second edition of my book on preparing for aging, I wondered the best place to start. Stretching, conditioning, body-awareness, mental, emotional, spiritual? Where? I decided to start with realignment, because it requires your attention and it's a great segue into the most important training of all, body-awareness. It's explained in this old video, I made eight years ago with a Blackberry (great ... Read more

Body Awareness Training Allows You To Put The Load Where You Want It – To Swim Smooth

Body Awareness Training Allows You To Put The Load Where You Want It - To Swim Smooth

Your best teachers are often your students, which is true when it comes to body awareness training, because as you guide them it causes you to think, "That's great advice, but do I do that?" The best running book I ever read, 'Running With The Whole Body,' by Jack Heggie, showed me how to shift load, during running stride recovery, from my hip flexors to my spinal spring. Recently, I was giving some swimmers ... Read more

Disclaimer: As a veterinarian, I do not provide medical advice for human animals. If you undertake or modify an exercise program, consult your medical advisors before doing so. Undertaking activities pursued by the author does not mean that he endorses your undertaking such activities, which is clearly your decision and responsibility. Be careful and sensible, please.