Combine Your Roller Work With A Gentle Core Workout

Hi folks, I must admit that my rollers have helped my flexibility considerably. They are most effective when used both before and after runs. The trick is to workout which roller you use for which muscles, and for how long. You want tight muscles to 'let go,' whilst avoiding overdoing the rolling to the point of soreness. Areas of pain help to pinpoint where work needs to be done, which for me is always my ... Read more

Soreness After A Workout Provides Valuable Information

Hi folks, Yesterday I started on Victor's squat diet. Having an abdominal aortic aneurysm with a stent graft, I took a cautious approach, only carrying my squat down to the point where my knees made a 90-degree angle. I was also careful to use good form, pushing out my butt with a straight spine and a firm (but not rigid) core, whilst keeping my shins fairly close to vertical to the floor. During three sets, I ... Read more

What Is Balance All About?

Hi folks, I thought I would write briefly about a subject that has interested me for years, balance, a concept that can be applied to many things. For instance, a balanced life should include a healthy collection of components, which reminds me of a useful meditation in this regard, that goes as follows: 'An acquaintance of yours has just died and at the funeral/wake/party to celebrate their life (or lack ... Read more

Intra-Abdominal Pressure, Anti-Shock Garments (and exercises?), Abdominal Aortic Aneurysm, And Arterial Blood Pressure Regulation

Hi! Folks, I woke up yesterday thinking about intra-abdominal pressure, and how little I knew about it. When it comes to abdominal aortic aneurysms (AAA), pressure is really what it is all about. If the blood pressure in the abdomen was the same as the pressure in the distal aorta, then AAAs would probably never form, or at least they would burst less frequently or later in their life span. But if this were the ... Read more

Every Cloud Has A Silver Lining, Even The Flu (As Long as You Survive!)

Hi! Folks, Well! I caught a mild flu the other day, and we all know what fun that is. But how do we get something positive out of the flu when we are on a training schedule? Firstly, forget the schedule! Secondly, see what you can learn! One thing I noticed whilst lying in bed with the flu years ago was that the muscular aches and pains aren't distributed randomly. They are generally worse in muscles that have ... Read more

Training Whilst Traveling: Interesting In-Flight Story, A Beach, A Hill, and No Excuses

Hi! Folks, Training whilst traveling can be quite a challenge sometimes, but you have to do it if you want to 'stay in the race.' I was doing my usual in-flight workout and stretching (or should I say lengthening?) routine on a trip from the US to Paris when a flight attendant first asked me if I was unwell (mid-pigeon stretch, flat on the floor!) and, once assured of my good health, then proceeded to tell me an ... Read more

Disclaimer: As a veterinarian, I do not provide medical advice for human animals. If you undertake or modify an exercise program, consult your medical advisors before doing so. Undertaking activities pursued by the author does not mean that he endorses your undertaking such activities, which is clearly your decision and responsibility. Be careful and sensible, please.