Hi folks, I am a highly motivated person, but on a dark winters morning, when it is raining, I'm tired and stiff and in my warm bed, do I really want to go on that early morning ride, jump in the pool, or wade through cold water on muddy trails? Or would I like to stay in the warm and have a nice hot cup of tea? Easy to answer, which is why I need a coach, whether I need to exercise for better health ... Read more
It Would Appear That Rigid AAA-Stent Grafts Can Induce Life-Threatening Hypertension Which Is Correctable
Hi folks, This is a follow-up to previous posts on my stent-induced hypertension, as new data have come in - another case. This is a potentially critical aspect of AAA-stent graft placement, which can be life saving, but a BP of 220/120 could also be life threatening. In my case, the hypertension was corrected by a combination of an ACE inhibitor (10 mg Lisinopril) and exercise. Several cardiologists ... Read more
Useful Links For Health Challenged Athletes
Hi! Folks, Whilst building my business website, 'Old Dogs in Training,' it became apparent that a list of links, including books and websites that address specific health challenges for older male athletes, might be of value to my potential clients (older guys who want to get in shape safely). As I couldn't work out how to make a sub-page link in my GoDaddy Website Tonight site, I thought 'why not link it to my ... Read more
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