Your Fifth Balance Tool, Core Strength

Your Fifth Balance Tool, Core Strength

It is well known that we have four main balance systems, (1) semi-circular canals of the inner ear, (2) somatic sense, what we feel in our body, (3) vision, locking onto a fixed object, and (4) the thousands of mechanoreceptors on the soles of our feet. HOWEVER, in the same way we rarely think of the liver as a major center of the immune system, we rarely think of core (pelvis and more) strength in relation to ... Read more

Ironman Triathlon Saved My Life Multiple Times

Ironman Triathlon Saved My Life Multiple Times

IRONMAN TRIATHLON SAVED MY LIFE #1: Yep! Believe it or not, Ironman Triathlon saved my life, multiple times. Back in the late 1970s, I was sitting in my office, at Battelle Labs, Geneva, Switzerland, when one of our technicians came in and said, "Kevin, we need some normal blood, please." So I rolled up my sleeve and held out my arm. About 10 minutes later, she returned, held up a glass tube, and said, "What ... Read more

Gratefulness and Aging

Gratefulness and Aging

Gratefulness and aging go well together, as you fight entropy-induced decay, with the aid of syntropy or your life-force. Gizmo needed a home, and our home was ready, so Gizmo (front and center) walked briskly into our life in the tiny house, for which I am grateful. Willbe says he'll think about it. While writing my latest book, "How to Train for Aging, The Ultimate Endurance Sport," I thought hard and long ... Read more

A Better Old Age Through Conditioning and Body-Awareness Skills

A Better Old Age Through Conditioning and Body-Awareness Skills

Just watching how you turn as you walk will teach you a great deal about the role of your hips in body movement, and how to focus there for solutions to certain aches and pains, including so-called plantar fasciitis, and so-called iliotibial band syndrome (ITBS). Yep, those danged hip rotators, all twelve of them (and most certainly more), cause all sorts of mayhem, so keep them ... Read more

How to Train for Aging, The Ultimate Endurance Sport

How to Train for Aging, The Ultimate Endurance Sport

Aging is coming, whether you are ready or not. I'm so glad I took up an endurance sport in my 50s. I sure wouldn't have been ready for an aortic aneurysm in 2010, or now, in my mid-70s with peripheral arterial disease due to genetic hyperlipidemia. Bob Scott, an inspiration for older people facing the challenges of aging. He beat me three times in the Eagleman, Half-Ironman race, at age 81, 82 and 84 - WITH ... Read more

Consider Present and Historical Baseline Fitness When Training for Aging

Consider Present and Historical Baseline Fitness When Training for Aging

How does one train? For Ironman? You train your body, you train your mind, you train your spirit, you train your ass off. For Aging? You train your body, you train your mind, you train your spirit, you train your withering ass off. While writing the second edition of my book on how to prepare for aging, under a new title, "How to Train for Aging, the Ultimate Endurance Sport," it occurred to me that one ... Read more

Disclaimer: As a veterinarian, I do not provide medical advice for human animals. If you undertake or modify an exercise program, consult your medical advisors before doing so. Undertaking activities pursued by the author does not mean that he endorses your undertaking such activities, which is clearly your decision and responsibility. Be careful and sensible, please.