Search Results for: feldenkrais fixed my knee

Guarding, Feldenkrais, Triathlon Training, AAA-Stents and Origami

  Hi folks, Tip for the day: find what your neuromuscular system is guarding unnecessarily, as it can kill your training and will certainly slow you down. Book for the day: "Zen and the Art of Motorcycle Maintenance" by Robert Pirsig. (all about quality of life, right!). Still a great book! Links for the day: Did you know that Origami played a big role in the design of your endovascular AAA-stent graft. ... Read more

On Balance and Aging

As I age I realize how increasingly important it is to focus on balance and aging skills. There are four major balance systems in your body: Inner ear - the key is hydration.Somatic sense - body-awareness training works for this.Vision - it's harder to balance with your eyes closed, so practice this.Mechanoreceptors on the soles of your feet - use safe barefoot movement on sand or ... Read more

Five Reasons To Ban Heel Injections For So-Called Plantar Fasciitis (NFP)

Please note: If you strongly disagree with me, would you kindly (a) refute each of my five 'arguments' on the basis of data and logic, and (b) explain the following graph. If you consider these data to be insufficient for interpretation, please direct my readers and me to a better data set. Calling my work junk science (a scientist), based on BS (a podiatrist) or garbage (another podiatrist), does not qualify as ... Read more

Before Taking Opiates Try Body Movement For Plantar Fasciitis, ITBS And Aging Mobility.

Before Taking Opiates! Try Body Movement. Think before taking opiates. There are choices!  Sometimes you need them, as I did following thoracic surgery recently. It was the only way I could do the work needed to fully re-inflate my left lung. The issue of opiate addiction, and body movement alternatives for pain treatment, came to mind recently. I was busy building a new sales funnel (see ... Read more

Subtle Movement Training Saves You Pain, Time And Money!

"Dripping water penetrates the stone." Pain? Consider your options, through Subtle Movement Training! "Little strokes fell great oak. Drop by drop the lake drains. Every little makes a mickle. / Many a little makes a mickle. Feather by feather birds build their nests. Large streams from little fountains grow." Proverbial Planet Is It Time For Physical Therapy? "Six to 12 visits [$600-1,200] is ... Read more

Is Body Awareness And Movement Training A Viable Information Niche Product?

I'm having a great time, but limited success (which is normal at this stage), marketing the results of our research on plantar fasciitis treatments, but this is probably because my real focus is on body awareness and movement training, a much more important topic for most of us wanting to stay active into old age. This is certainly an area where value can be added to people's lives, as they work to hold ... Read more

When Not To Cut Corners: Thoughts On Body Awareness Training And The Older Athlete

"Shortcuts make long delays." Pippen, Lord of the Rings. Hi folks, welcome to today! One reason I promote body awareness training is because, in my opinion, such training combined with an Ironman race saved my life in 2010. I have to admit that The Feldenkrais Method is weird, but remarkably effective. You'll be asked, "Which of your arms feels longest?" You decide it's the left one, you look down and ... Read more

Daffodils In The Woods Are Like Unexpected Training Issues That Reflect Your Body’s Physical And Emotional History

  Hi folks! Thanks for stopping by! History is all around and within us, which can be an important issue when it comes to safe exercise for better health. Consider your body's history of injuries, including childhood nutritional challenges or subsequent physical accidents, when you start to increase your training load. A chain is only as strong as it's weakest link, so select your sport accordingly, ... Read more

Disclaimer: As a veterinarian, I do not provide medical advice for human animals. If you undertake or modify an exercise program, consult your medical advisors before doing so. Undertaking activities pursued by the author does not mean that he endorses your undertaking such activities, which is clearly your decision and responsibility. Be careful and sensible, please.