Search Results for: heart stent

Going Toe to Toe With Peripheral Arterial Disease (PAD) Rebecca taught me how to wake up my toes, and now it's paying big dividends for my calf pain. Some of my blood vessels are too big (abdominal aortic aneurysm, AAA) and some too small (peripheral arterial disease, PAD). Just wish they could get together, and work this thing out. These vascular events are due to the genetic cards I was dealt (no complaints), which included severe ... Read more

Peripheral Arterial Disease Ironman Therapy – Training Resumes With Psoriasis

Yes! I'm crazy, but I'm getting back after several weeks of Moderna COVID-19 Vaccine-triggered, psoriasis hell. Methotrexate is helping somewhat, but will have to increase dose of this anti-cancer drug. They say we are our own worst enemies, so I guess this is right for psoriasis, as our immune system attacks our skin. Two images taken today and presented with the training week, lower on blog post, show lesions ... Read more

Prepare For Aging

MISSION: To help people enjoy the aging process, in spite of everything. WANT TO KNOW WHY EXERCISE IS SO CRITICAL FOR HEALTHY AGING: Study the image at the bottom of this page, and think about it. MY SKILLS: Veterinary science training, a life-time of sports including endurance and body movement work, combined the challenges of aging (76+). PRODUCTS: eBooks and paperbacks, a free blog, athlete with ... Read more

Ironman Triathlon Saved My Life Multiple Times

IRONMAN TRIATHLON SAVED MY LIFE #1: Yep! Believe it or not, Ironman Triathlon saved my life, multiple times. Back in the late 1970s, I was sitting in my office, at Battelle Labs, Geneva, Switzerland, when one of our technicians came in and said, "Kevin, we need some normal blood, please." So I rolled up my sleeve and held out my arm. About 10 minutes later, she returned, held up a glass tube, and said, "What ... Read more

Consider Present and Historical Baseline Fitness When Training for Aging

How does one train? For Ironman? You train your body, you train your mind, you train your spirit, you train your ass off. For Aging? You train your body, you train your mind, you train your spirit, you train your withering ass off. While writing the second edition of my book on how to prepare for aging, under a new title, "How to Train for Aging, the Ultimate Endurance Sport," it occurred to me that one ... Read more

Pressure Wave Interference when Running with Peripheral Arterial Disease (PAD)

This is a cursory consideration of an interesting issue: Pressure wave interference when running with peripheral arterial disease. I have pretty severe vascular occlusion in branches of my right popliteal artery (partially blocked blood vessels in my right calf due to arteriosclerosis, reducing blood flow to tissues below my knee). This is further complicated by the presence of my ... Read more

Marketing Runs The Medical Industry, So Advertise If You Are Purveying Something Of Value

Medical Industry? These are the people who save my life, that I am doing battle with, today! The medical industry is essentially a business in the USA. I'm afraid to let you know this, but doctors don't know everything. They know a lot, but not everything. They sure don't seem to understand acute morning heel pain, and they can't tell you how to live with aortic disease, either. That's your call, my aortic ... Read more

Jack Heggie And Nociceptive Foot Pain Mind Control: Think Away Your ‘Plantar Fasciitis’

Nociceptive Foot Pain Mind Control Works You may be able to think your so-called plantar fasciitis away! Think of that! That'll save you a bundle of $$$ For someone with aortic disease, and peripheral vascular disease-induced calf claudication, I had a good day. 2.5-mile trail run with Willbe, our yellow lab (early morning). 35-mile bike ride, hitting the hills pretty hard (mid-morning). 2.5-mile ... Read more

Disclaimer: As a veterinarian, I do not provide medical advice for human animals. If you undertake or modify an exercise program, consult your medical advisors before doing so. Undertaking activities pursued by the author does not mean that he endorses your undertaking such activities, which is clearly your decision and responsibility. Be careful and sensible, please.