Do You Have An Iliac Artery Stent? A little Anatomy training could be helpful. Iliac artery stent: In the image above, identify your aorta, and the common iliac, internal iliac (hypogastric), external iliac and femoral arteries. Imagine where your stent might be. Ask your doctor for a copy of your scan; it's your property. Understanding your body and your stent might just save your life one day. Here's my ... Read more
Thank You Facebook For The Abdominal Aortic Aneurysm (AAA) Awareness Page
It's not just election meddling. Or pictures of cats! Cat agrees. "Now let me sleep!" Dear Facebook, Thank you Facebook, for providing the ability for us to create villages. Disease and other concern-specific villages. They really help people get their feet back on the ground after a major crisis. Medical professionals save our lives, which we appreciate very much. But we have to learn how to live with the ... Read more
Living With Aortic Disease From The Patient’s Perspective
You're Not Alone! And You Can Get Your Life Back On Track. There are lots of helpful people out there, who've been through it and worse. They understand how you feel. They know what you need to know, if you, a family member or friend, are living with aortic disease. Please fill out the brief survey: Much of my work is related to aging, and how we can enjoy our "golden years," whatever comes along. If you want ... Read more
Vegan Athlete With Aortic Stent: Luckier Than Albert Einstein!
FitOldDog Is A Lucky Aortic Patient Research Investment, And Lots Of People Thinking! Aortic stent technology has come a long way. Thank goodness. I was in the hospital overnight, for my abdominal aortic aneurysm stent graft placement. Almost six(6) years later, I'm still competing in Ironman races. Here is a little about Albert Einstein's treatment for AAA - the best available at the time (Full article on ... Read more
Abdominal Aortic Aneurysm Half Ironman, Graft Versus Stent, Graft Won!
Pauline and I had a very enjoyable, though hot, race at the 2015 Eagleman Half Ironman event, in Cambridge, Maryland, last weekend. Pauline left me far behind, but we both finished unhurt, unlike a number of people carried away in ambulances with heat stress or dehydration. Rupert (my Cook Zenith Stent Graft) and I were really looking forward to this race, not expecting a fast time, and not really competing with ... Read more
Abdominal Aortic Aneurysm Half Ironman Race, Graft Versus Stent, At Eagleman 2015
PLEASE NOTE: If you have aortic disease, don't undertake any kind of sport or exercise before you have carried out your own benefit/risk assessment, with the guidance of your medical advisors. In the fall of 2010, I started this blog, in the hopes of finding another Ironman-distance triathlete with an abdominal aortic aneurysm stent graft. I am yet to find such an athlete, but the first person to respond to my ... Read more
A Blogging Style For All? For Melinda And Marsha, Anyway! Of Eyeballs, Stents, And Learning
Hi folks, welcome! Everything you learn will come in useful one day, so learn lots of interesting things, which means explore your world. This has certainly helped me find interesting content for my style of blogging. But first, a general note on this blog: I was becoming disenchanted with my blog the other day. The muses were absent and traffic continued to be too flat. So I posed a question, concerning ... Read more
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