Exercise With Vascular Disease? It will keep you sane, for a start! If you have a repaired aortic aneurysm, exercise, done right, will keep your aorta strong. This could be critical for an abdominal aortic aneurysm stent graft, especially where those hooks are holding it in place by your kidneys. My hooks have done their job for eight years - how's them apples. Think about it. Yes! Exercise is actually ... Read more
Ironman Dream Was Weird But Informative
Do you feel your age some days? Well stop that, BAD DOG! I'm finally getting past my subluxated hip, putting all those soft tissues back into line, especially my left hip flexor (iliacus), and starting to sign up for races, which may account for my weird Ironman dream last night. "I'm in an Ironman race, no idea where, and I'm running up a hill (about a 7% grade, which there is no way I could do), and I ... Read more
How Lucky I Am To Be A 70-Year Old Ironman-Distance Triathlete In Spite Of My Aortic Disease – Not Dead Yet!
Hi folks, welcome! Life is fragile, live it while you can! I was sitting here having a glass of wine, with two dogs (Willbe and Scooter) and one cat (Cat), enjoying a glass of wine, and it occurred to me how lucky I am to be alive. Not just because I have an abdominal aortic aneurysm and progressive aortic disease (hell, we all have something), from which I have been rescued by modern technology. It's ... Read more
To Age Successfully Don’t Go Down The Road Taken By Winston Churchill, Follow Dylan Thomas Instead, But With A Little More Skipping
Hi folks! Welcome. Winston Churchill, though revered, never struck me as a very happy person, but I'm sure he had his reasons. I suspect, however, that lack of exercise and poor diet may have contributed to his general lack of lightness of spirit, though he was a great humorist. Very much alive, but not very alive, in my opinion. He 'hated' exercise!!! I know other people like that, but I've noticed that they ... Read more
Listen To Your Coach Or Customer, And Learn – Great Review Of Our Plantar Fasciitis Product – Thanks Coach Rosemary!
This is why I love my nascent business, Old Dogs in Training LLC: Happy Customer - here is her Amazon review I am able to jump on my trampoline again, January 23, 2014, By R. Glean FitOldDog's Plantar Fasciitis Treatment: This System Is Based On An Understanding Of The Dynamic Nature Of Fascia (Kindle Edition) "I ordered this book after injuring myself in April 2013. I had just finished ... Read more
OK! So You Turned 50, You’re A Boomer, Bummer! Want To Wallow In Nostalgia For Your Youth Or Be An Ironman (Or Something Else Exciting)?
Consider joining the FitOldDog club while it's free (first 3 to sign up) and build our club. We'll help you to become the best athlete and thinker you can be - it's all in the body-mind! Hi folks, welcome! My goal is to inspire you to exercise your mind and your body for a satisfying and enjoyable old age. Yes! Old age, or other major health challenges, can suck, but you don't have to give into them, do ... Read more
The Best Things In Life Most Certainly Are Not Free – Memories From The 2013 OBX Half Ironman
Hi folks! Welcome! A key role for the older scientist and older athlete is to encourage the next generation. Give it a try, it feels great when they appreciate it. I don't mean ram your opinions down their throat. Just a carefully chosen word to get them going, encouraging them to employ their strengths and transcend weaknesses. The day after an endurance race I sit and think about it over my morning cup of ... Read more
Not Dead Yet Thanks To Modern Medicine And Human Ingenuity
Hi folks! Welcome to another day on this lovely, but dangerous, planet! Every day I read people's stories on the Abdominal Aortic Aneurysm Awareness and the Survivors of Aortic Dissection Facebook Pages, and I try to think of ways to boost their courage (which is ofter greater than mine) and stay the course (many much harder courses than mine). If I can help a little it feels good and that helps me. This is ... Read more
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