Just watching how you turn as you walk will teach you a great deal about the role of your hips in body movement, and how to focus there for solutions to certain aches and pains, including so-called plantar fasciitis, and so-called iliotibial band syndrome (ITBS). https://youtu.be/AfyMB--Bcpk Yep, those danged hip rotators, all twelve of them (and most certainly more), cause all sorts of mayhem, so keep them ... Read more
Test Your Body Awareness Skills, They May Save Your Life One Day
Body-Awareness Skills Test Try this hokey little movie by FitOldDog Don't feel anything? You have work to do! It's certainly going on. As Caroline Joy, an expert in body physiology, says, “Proprioception refers to the body’s conscious awareness of itself …” “The proprioceptive system is responsible for maintaining reflexive control of muscle tone and posture.” “As you read this, your trunk is ... Read more
Story Of True Love Of Ironman Triathlon, Which Saved FitOldDog’s Life In 2010
Love of Ironman Triathlon Why for love of Ironman Triathlon? Because Ironman saved FitOldDog's life in 2010. I was reviewing the heel pain book, above, prior to creating the paperback. You'd think it would be a grind. It describes the research journey of Tom, and his struggles with the heel pain that medical professionals incorrectly call plantar fasciitis. Epiphany: I realized that I was enjoying the ... Read more
A Blogging Style For All? For Melinda And Marsha, Anyway! Of Eyeballs, Stents, And Learning
Hi folks, welcome! Everything you learn will come in useful one day, so learn lots of interesting things, which means explore your world. This has certainly helped me find interesting content for my style of blogging. But first, a general note on this blog: I was becoming disenchanted with my blog the other day. The muses were absent and traffic continued to be too flat. So I posed a question, concerning ... Read more
Recovering From A Serious Injury Or Ill-Health Is A Structured Work Of Art – Advice On Femoral Neck Fracture Rehabilitation For Luis, Please?
Hi folks! Painful as pain is, it's here to protect us from ourselves. Just ask someone with leprosy. Post-surgical repair, that's fine. Today I received a tweet from a cyclist that I admire, Luis, asking for my thoughts on recovery from a subcapital hip fracture (broken neck of femur, where it enters the hip joint), but with no pain. Yep! He fell off of his bike - these things happen. The absence of pain is ... Read more
When Not To Cut Corners: Thoughts On Body Awareness Training And The Older Athlete
"Shortcuts make long delays." Pippen, Lord of the Rings. Hi folks, welcome to today! One reason I promote body awareness training is because, in my opinion, such training combined with an Ironman race saved my life in 2010. I have to admit that The Feldenkrais Method is weird, but remarkably effective. You'll be asked, "Which of your arms feels longest?" You decide it's the left one, you look down and ... Read more
Serious Sports Injury? For A Speedy Recovery Embrace Your New Community – Thoughts On Lisfranc Injury
Hi folks, welcome to another lovely day (even though not training is driving me bonkers!). I inserted the video above to remind you that your body is alive, it can repair itself given time, but you have to work with it for an optimal repair in terms of duration of the process and your satisfaction with the final outcome. The first thing you have to do after a serious injury is survive the grieving process ... Read more
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